Setting up Folder Structure – First step to BIM

Contrary to what most people think BIM is not only just using software like Revit or ArchiCAD, it’s essence lies in the organised workflow and better coordination during the complete project life-cycle.

Whether working solo or with a small team or a firm with multiple stake holders, one of the first things you should do before starting a project is to set up the folder structure. With time project gets complex, number of files within your design and from consultants increase, and believe me having a well structured sorting system always helps in the long run, avoids confusion and last moment panic.

Thus my first post is about setting up the folder structure. I will explain briefly few top level folders and their purpose, but for detailed understanding you can refer the master-image below and download the attached Sample Folder Structure.

Before we start I strongly recommend not to use spaces, rather use ‘_’ to separate the words. And even if there is only one person working on the project I would recommend enabling the Worksets and Worksharing which keeps file more secure and less prone to getting corrupt.

Please follow the image below to create all the major folders and read the folder description mention underneath for their purpose:

Folder Structure

Sample Folder Structure

1. Project Code/Number: Start with a 3 digit code(preferably a serial number) for your project. This code will define your project and top level naming for files, drawings and everything else. ex. 144

2.  BIM Folder: Withing your project folder create a folder with the format “ProjcetCode_BIM_Model”. This folder contains everything related to your BIM Model, whatever goes in or out from the model will be stored here and would consist of 5 sub-folders. ex. 144_BIM_Model


3. Building Model: The first folder in Bim Folder is “01.Building_Model” which contains your BIM model, all things related to creating model, drawings, views etc.


4. Output Folder:  Second folder in BIM folder is “02.Output” which is for your deliverable, drawings, pdf, renders, schedules, analysis and miscellaneous things that your BIM model is capable of producing.


5: Records: The next folder in BIM folder is “03. Record” and contains all the shared files that you share internally with with other teams, externally to the consultants or recieve from your consultants


6. Visualisation Model:
Within BIM Folder “04.Visualization_Model” contains exported part or complete 3D geometry of the BIM model for external render/animation specific software. This also contains working models with all materials and setups for any other 3rd party programs.


7. Tracking Documents: Last but not the least, BIM folder contains “05.Trackers” folder. All the documents to track the project timeline, updates in template, deliverable documents, status of drawing released etc are stored here.


You can follow the next post ‘View Naming Standards‘for naming and segregating Views in Revit.

Download Sample Folder Structure


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